Vaginal Atrophy

Updated on:
November 19, 2021
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Vaginal atrophy is a very common condition, especially among women in menopause (either natural or induced) or during post-partum. The vulvovaginal region is very sensitive to oestrogen decline, with a series of consequences that impact directly on the quality of a woman’s life: weakness and laxity of the vaginal mucosa, dryness, itching and burning, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia).

MonaLisa Touch® is a functional vaginal rejuvenation treatment based on a special CO2 laser, specifically created for the vagina. MonaLisa Touch® prevents and resolves oestrogen drops in the vaginal tissue (typically occurring during menopause or after breast cancer treatment) by re-activating the production of new collagen and re-establishing the conditions that the vaginal mucosa once had.

Rowan Connell, Consultant Gynaecologist, discusses MonaLisa Touch® for vaginal dryness

Please visit our MonaLisa Touch® page for more information.

This page contains a variety of information around the condition, with a variety of resources and treatment options to help guide you through the process.

Although researching is an important step in understanding what is happening, it is always best to seek professional help if you have any concerns.

If this is the case, please get in touch to make an appointment.